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spiderman 3 movie cover

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  • CFreymarc
    Apr 22, 04:29 PM
    I would expect better of this place than to take bait. I bet this is a false flag out there specifically to find security holes inside Apple. Does it let you rip and play BluRay disks too?

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  • irmongoose
    Jul 11, 07:05 PM
    WE HAVE COMPETITION!! Thank you, at last... :sniff:

    This is war.


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  • psychspirit
    Aug 5, 03:19 PM
    I guess the next step for apple is to take it even further. A touch-screen would be perfect. If the scroll wheel is incorporated into the screen, then wouldn't that mean more space, hince bigger screen? I can only hope.;)

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  • damage00
    Oct 1, 11:19 AM
    Nice explanation. It seems that the whole idea of cell towers is unworkable. You think it is bad in the cities? Even semi-rural areas have no coverage at all.

    There has to be an entirely new technology for this, or the use of satellites or aircraft instead of silly towers. C'mon Apple, solve this problem.

    That's like saying:
    Nice explanation. It seems that the whole idea of freeways is unworkable. You think traffic is bad in the cities? Even semi-rural areas have no pavement at all.

    There has to be an entirely new form of transportation for this, or the use of maglev or star trek transporters instead of silly roads. C'mon Toyota (maker of the Prius), solve this problem.

    I'm not picking on you, carlgo. I'm saying, what you suggest is a little like throwing the baby out with the dirty bath water.

    Cell works, and has been working since the mid-80's and trillions of calls have been successfully placed. Apple didn't design it so they don't get the credit or the blame -- all they did was bring a new gadget to market. It's not the tech that is bad, it's the implementation that is at fault.

    And it's AT&T's implementation that is to blame -- because it is cheap. Take a look at their stock price since the iPhone was introduced. They *want* $100 bucks every month from every customer in the US, but they aren't willing to reinvest enough of that into an infrastructure to support the number of customers they negotiated for.

    Corporations tend establish ad campaigns to counter bad press or customer concerns/complaints, not what they do well. For instance, AT&T has the iPhone and no one else does. That's good. You would think they want to tell the world about that. No. It runs television spots for their Samsung/LG/etc. but not the iPhone.

    On the other hand, AT&T has lousy coverage. Just look at your bars in SFO or NYC or even most of New Mexico -- doesn't matter where -- that's not a bandwidth issue. It's coverage. That's bad, so they advertise "more bars in more areas". These ads usually play on emotions, like two young lovers being separated, or they borrow on another organizations goodwill, like a company that gives shoes to the poor. They do not use demonstration or facts, because there aren't any. When I see these, I interpret them as the corporation's admission there is a problem.


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  • flopticalcube
    May 1, 09:44 PM
    Heard a rumor on twitter.

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  • snebes
    Apr 15, 02:44 PM
    With the update notice officially stating When Lion ships this summer What are the chances the iMac refresh will happen at the same time? or will it be in the Fall instead?

    Stay positive!! iMacs should get an update soon with a free Lion upgrade. At least I hope.

    I think iMac overhaul is in the fall right after the back to school deals are over......

    Basically all systems besides MBA and MBP are overdue for an update. iMac and Mac Pro especially.


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  • twcbc
    May 4, 07:01 AM
    Let's be clear... "Android" is an OS from Google that you can find on dozens of phones from many manufacturers.

    Apple knows they can't compete with that. And they're not. Marketshare is not a goal. For instance... Android has more marketshare... now what?

    It's Mac vs Windows all over again. Windows is crushing Macs 10 to 1. Dell and HP have sales that dwarf the Mac. But is Apple really in trouble with the Mac?

    Market share matters, even for Apple.

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  • rmrt84
    Apr 22, 05:54 AM
    yes I agree the hands in both those pictures look extremely similar.
    I am going to have to side with Samsung on this; apple stole their hand.

    As far as the phones go? the looks are similar but still different looking.

    Mmmm this sort of comments make me believe people do not really understand how production of something like a phone works. Do you guys think Apple started drawing the general outlook and tech aspects of the iPhone just AFTER seeing Samsung's P.o.s.? It doesn't take 1 month to come up with a project like iphone. I think Apple had this thing going on probably years before Samsung even started thinking about a touch phone! Point is, Apple makes the standard and everyone wants to copy it. There's leaders and followers. Apple is a leader. Period.


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  • b_scott
    Apr 15, 11:37 AM
    Battery life is much better with this update. I stream Sirius radio all day and it lasts longer now. Haters gotta hate.

    how would you know? it's only been out a couple hours.

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  • mikethebigo
    Apr 12, 09:03 AM
    Looks like ill be going to Android.

    Why? You know, arguably the best Android phone out right now (the Nexus S) still basically has the same processor and a lower res screen than the iPhone 4. In fact, I think the iPhone 4 will easily pass the test of time until September, especially if it gets some iOS 5 goodness in the summer.


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  • Chef Medeski
    Oct 19, 07:50 AM
    How has Apple NOT innovated on the Mac line up?

    - Completely redesigned and absolutely beautiful architecture on the insides of the Mac Pro
    - MagSafe
    - 24" all in one machine
    - Front Row/apple Remote/iSight in every "portable" Mac
    - Two finger right clicking on trackpad

    All of this in the year of a move to a new platform.

    The REAL innovations though, will occur in the second generation of Intel products. THe most important thing was to make a swift but calm switchover to ensure nobody got nervous over the move. Now we are here, 2007 will be sick.


    -Intel Chips are not innovation. Its change of suppliers.
    -Magsafe is an actual innovation.
    -24" monitors have been around for like 10 yrs.... slappig into an iMac isnt innovation its either ballsy managing or perfect timing
    -A webcam.... and a software to list all ur media.... nice not new. ITS A WEBCAM PEOPLE. THATS ALL. IT DOESNT SAVE CHILDREN.
    -I thought Sony had a laptop that did this already? Can't confirm.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 23, 08:48 PM
    What product will the T-Mobile chic bash now??? :rolleyes:


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  • bushido
    Apr 13, 04:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Anytime an "analyst" opens their mouth, it should be page 2 material at best.

    lol i agree, that term got the same value as a "source" on some gossip site

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  • UniPro
    Mar 11, 12:13 PM
    Wow, 150 people at Brea? That's nuts. I got mine at South Coast last year but that was a month after release.

    Not really sure where I'm going yet. I think I may try Cerritos or a Best Buy...


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  • Blorzoga
    May 4, 05:21 AM
    pfft, this should not be front page news, hell not even second page... just a bunch of hearsay from a CR that knows nothing about it and speculates BS.

    Yeah, customer service reps are always soooo reliable.

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 24, 03:43 PM
    Yeah... and based on sales, not surveys, the iPhone sure is hurting now given it just had it's best sales quarter ever. :rolleyes:

    Win... why don't you get it? There is the iPhone and then there is everything else. Android is a good smart phone OS... IMO, the best alternative to the iPhone. But the reality is, people buy an iPhone because they want an iPhone. People buy an Android based phone because they want a phone and it's on sale this week.

    Android is not going to slaughter the iPhone. It's a huge market out there and there will always be multiple alternatives for the OS's. If anything, the companies with the most worries are RIM and Microsoft. They continue to loose market share like crazy to Apple and Android based phones.

    But please... If you want to fantasias about Android OS phones taking over the world, I'm sure there more people like you over on the Android forums that also have this twisted view. Besides, why does the iPhone worry you so much? It's great that it's there and it's great the Android is there too. The competition is making both solutions better.

    There is a difference between sales and market share. Without a doubt, part of the appeal of android is cost - it's just cheaper to buy. However, it's not as simple as you suggest

    People buy an Android based phone because they want a phone and it's on sale this week

    Some people buy it so they can have a larger screen, some because they want a keyboard, some because they have specific hardware needs (e.g. The US Army), some because they do not want to live under of the heel of Steve Jobs twisted moral code. I could go on, but it's become the proverbial dead horse. Sure, Android has pitfalls in that it can run almost anything, but I would rather have the freedom to make a bad app choice than to live in the walled garden that iOS is becoming.

    In short, the freedom to make choices, even bad ones, is superior to being spoon fed like a baby as Apple tends to do.


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  • DakotaGuy
    Apr 13, 07:52 PM
    Why won't this rumor die?! Seriously. It makes MUCH more sense to make a set top box that is compatible with any tv, and thus have wider appeal and adoption than to make a TV that has to compete with every other TV manufacturer out there. This is not Apple's game. Their game it to look at a market that is not currently being exploited to its full extent, figure out what people may want, then come in and redefine that niche. Worked with the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. There were predecessor in each of these markets but Apple came in and completely dominated it because they redefined it and tied it into a (relatively) easy to use ecosystem. Ok, it a really easy to use ecosystem, just slow and bloated. :D

    I agree this is a silly idea. Who in the world would want the Apple TV integrated into a TV? What happens when an updated Apple TV is released the next year? Toss out the TV and buy another? Most people going in and buying a new large screen HDTV are planning to keep it a lot longer then the peripherals attached to it. If some new device comes out, no problem, just plug it into your TV. The other thing is that the TV market is very a very mature and saturated market with some big well known brands behind it.

    I suppose they could make the content device separate like the current Apple TV which can be attached with an HDMI cable. If they do that what is the point of an Apple branded TV which would likely be built by another company like Samsung, LG or Sharp? Styling and a logo with a higher price? Nonsense.

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  • hulugu
    Dec 1, 03:37 PM
    So many Mac users are completely ignorant and oblivious to the fact that their Mac is, contrary to popular belief, not that secure in some respects. Many Mac zealots and apologists will tout how bullet-proof OS X is, how it's nothing like Windows, how it's amazingly secure - well, it isn't in some cases.

    Yep, Artie MacStrawman (http://www.crazyapplerumors.com/?p=664), I hate that guy.

    Apple's response is, I think, much more important than the MOKB finding a handful of vulnerabilities in OSX, if they address the problem quickly and respond accordingly with a good Security Update, than I think we can still be relatively assured that OSX is safe. We'll also have to see how quickly various black-hats respond to Vista.

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  • Macnoviz
    Jul 27, 04:22 PM
    I like your idea and I think it would work in many situations if there is indeed going to be a "transition phase" toward a new type of connection format. However, I'll stick by my prediction as it offers the maximum benefit for Apple and its third party partners while keeping the whole user interaction simpler and more elegant. The Nike situation is different in the respect that it is really the only way to make a product like that work�can't have a bunch of wires getting in the way of running. I know the iPod Hi-Fi probably isn't selling well enough for Apple to worry that a new connection format would hurt their own profit margin much, but there are a LOT of third party partners out there that have only recently given it their best because Apple has probably assured them that the dock connector will be around for quite some time, so third party R&D won't be a black hole or recurring expense in that area. It is what has helped the accessory market evolve to the point it has, which has benefitted Apple immensly-don't think Apple doesn't realize that fact! It is also what is missing from the also-ran MP3 manufacturers: not enough consistency to make it worth their investment to produce for those products.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Of course, it COULD have both....

    how about

    a 30 $ optional wireless receiver that acts as a female dock connector to plug into the existing iPod docks?

    Apr 17, 01:55 PM
    What time would the day end and night end?

    Apr 23, 09:30 PM
    iPhone 4G on T-Mobile????


    Apr 23, 08:10 PM
    They might just be testing it so when T-mobile is part of att it would work across the network instead of atts original network.

    cult hero
    Mar 31, 01:53 PM
    I find it amusing that there is a trend to make computers more like "the real thing" in areas where computers are far and away used more than the real thing. How many people still use an address/calendar book versus a computer program?

    I just think it's funny.

    I wonder if that brown looks better on the system than in that screenshot. It makes me happy I don't use iCal anyway.

    Apr 7, 01:30 AM

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