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Day 17 in L.A. (I have a Map, Hints & Clues but Where is the Treasure?)

Do you ever wondered if your life is predestined? Or ever wonder if a coincidence probably wasn’t a coincidence because it was fate putting you in the right place and the right time?  Then when it all happens,  you’re thinking to yourself “This is it! This is my big chance! This is my opportunity because God has me here for a reason.” Finally when the opportunity passes, you’re left standing alone asking yourself, "What just happened?" That somewhat happened to me today. Then I realized that my quest is like a treasure map. Everyday I think I’m getting closer and closer to the treasure but in reality each adventure provides me with more hints and clues to futrther my journey. When will I finally discover the treasure? That’s a question no seeker can answer. Only God knows...

As I stated on day 16, I had an audition today and I wasn’t prepared. On day 9 I was trying to walk into a book store and I accidentally started to walk into an audition. Later on day 10, my college friend Moon, told me I should of crashed the audition. Instead, I did some research and found the casting director the next day. I was told there were no more auditions, but I could send in my "stuff" through email.  I sent him a video as requested and then a day or two later I randomly sent another email with one of my demos on YouTube.

Finally on day 15, I received a no subject email inviting me to their last audition today. I explained what they asked for in day 16. I really struggled figuring out how to prepare and what to showcase. I’m excellent at video parodies but live sketch comedy is new to me. I wasn’t beating myself up about it, but I probably punched myself in the face once (not literally). Finally, I decided I’m going to arrive with high energy and I’m going to be truthful and honest. I have nothing to lose. At this point in my life I can only gain. Here is a pre-recording of myself a few minutes before the audition.