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Sizzlin' Sears Swimsuits - Part 4, Print Ads - Part 3

Okay, okay, now the different categories are blurring together.  Is this a swimwear post, Part 4 or a print ad post, Part 3?  Heck, WHO CARES.  Let's check 'em out!!!!

Sears had an ad campaign in the 70s for their swimsuits where you "Buy the top that fits / Buy the bottom that fits."  At the time I admit that I didn't get that that they meant the STYLE not the actually swimsuit. At the time I asked myself  "Why would anyone want a red top with a blue bottom?"  Yeah, I guess I was a bit of a doufus (but give me a break, I was just a kid).

And how did Sears advertise this concept?  Why of they had the models stand in waist deep water, side by side (yeah, you see that everyday at the beach) and stare into a blindly bright sun!  These gals are trying their best, but let's face it - they look in pain!  While they appear to be laughing, they are actually thinking "Hey, photographer, hurry up already, will ya!"  However, our Kathy bravely risks her eyesight for her art as she fixes her gaze straight ahead!

Another similar shot.  However this time it is Colleen grimacing in the straight away pose.  Kathy and the other model (1) have elected to try and save her eyesight by looking off the right.

Now, finally, they decided "Hey, why don't you gals look AWAY from the sun!"  They all look MUCH more at ease in this one (and Kathy looks absolutely amazing! Was she smokin' hot or what!?!).  Still, three beautiful models, arm-in-arm, standing in waist deep water, soooo natural (yeah, right).

Looks like the sun isn't quite so bright in this shot, and the models seem so much more at ease.  In fact, they are so happy that we have, not one, not two, but three of them doing the famous "flamingo" pose in response (2).

FINALLY, someone said "Hey, why don't the models wear sunglasses?  That might make it easier to pose while facing the sun while we get the shot."  Once again, Kathy absolutely kills this shot.  Even with sunglasses, her smile outshines the sun!


(1) The model in the middle is Joyce Ingalls.

(2) The "flamingo" pose was aptly named in a previous post by astute reader LBP! We'll be on the lookout for similar poses in the future!

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