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Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

For some reason, Wet n Wild's collection boxes have totally sucked me in - I have picked up the whole set for the Unicorn, Hummingbird and now the Fire & Ice Dragon collection! They are an affordable, cruelty free brand and I love what they have been releasing lately!

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

How could I resist this?! I happen to love Game of Thrones and I think this collection is totally inspired by the dragons in the series and I'm all about that inspiration! I'm having GoT withdrawals with no new books or tv shows, so I will take an inspired makeup collection! If your a fan wait til you see the names! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

I picked up the Fire and Ice Collection Box for $39.99 US - the box comes with 2 eyeshadow quads, 2 bronzers, 2 highlighters, 4 loose eyeshadow pigments, and 4 metallic lipsticks. This is a limited edition collection, and most products are still available; but, I'm not sure for how much longer, so if there is something that catches your eye, I would pick it up right away! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

This collection box doesn't include all the products from the limited edition Fire & Ice line - there is 2 brushes, 2 eyeshadow quads, a lip topper, and one highlighter and bronzer that weren't included. But, it comes with a good amount of products that are half Fire Dragon vs. half Ice Dragon. 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

The Fire Dragon side comes with 2 bronzers, 2 loose pigments, 2 metallic lipsticks and 1 shadow quad all that are very warm, bronze, and red! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

The Ice Dragon half comes with 2 highlighters, 2 loose pigments, 2 metallic lipsticks, and 1 shadow quad - these are all very cool and blue. 

My only thought on this collection and how it was divided up was that I really wish there was a warm highlighter for the Fire dragon and a cool bronzer or contour for the Ice Dragon collection! I just thought with the 2 warm bronzers and the 2 cool highlighters, it was just a little unbalanced! 

Here is a look at swatches of all the products (I have makeup looks below too!)

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

I'm a fan of the Wet n Wild shadows I have tried already - their quads in past limited edition sets have been really great! I love that these feature a really deep red and blue for the Fire and Ice theme! These color Icon Eyeshadow Quads are $2.99 each and there is also a green and a grey quad in the limited edition release as well! 

I also love that they give a suggestion as to where to place the shadows on the pans - of course you can mix it and wear it wherever; but, it makes it a little more approachable, especially when there are really bold shades! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

Fit For A Queen ~ I love how warm this quad is! The transition shade, brow bone, and eye lid shade all swatches and preformed beautifully. The transition shade was really smooth and blended well, the brow bone shade added the perfect subtle highlight under my brow bone, and the eyelid shade is just a stunning shade all over the lid. I will say that it applied best with a fingertip. 

The crease shade - the deep red was a little harder to work with. I found applied patchy and where I applied over another shadow, it didn't want to pack on top. Also, it was a little stiff and didn't blend the best. Was it still useable? Yes - I got a really gorgeous look with it and I will keep using it; but, I've worked with their quads that have applied easier before. 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

Mythicool Creatures ~ this is a gorgeous cool toned quad with a deep blue and an iridescent lilac lid shade. I loved this brow bone shade - it was a great base shadow too. The transition shade worked really well and blended out nicely. The deep blue crease shade came out a lot deeper than I was expecting - it looks a little brighter in the pan. This is a great shade for blending so it applies best when patted in the crease without trying to blend it all over.

Now, I really struggled to get the lilac lid shade to show up - you can tell in the swatch it looks like a much lighter topper shadow. Which it pretty, but didn't really show up on my lids at all. To get the shadow to show, I had to apply a white base and scrape the shadow up so I could pack on the loose shadow bits. Then, it was stunning shadow! Again, yes this quad wasn't the easiest to work with; but, for $3 - I will keep using it and if you are willing to work a little with them, they turn out really pretty! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

I was really excited that this set came with 2 Color Icon Bronzers - I actually can't remember the last time I purchased a bronzer, and I don't have a single full size bronzer in my makeup collection! Can we talk about how awesome the dragon design is in these as well?! These bronzers are $4.99 each if you purchase them individually. 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

Queen's Land ~ this was the warmer of the 2 bronzers and on me, it did lean a little oranger than I would normally reach for! I am going to keep trying it and see if with a light hand I can wear it! 

You're Dragon Me Down ~ I love this bronzer! It is a little lighter than Queen's Land and is a really great shade for my light-medium skin tone! It applied lightly as well and could be built up if you prefer - I like that formula so I don't apply too much in one spot! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

With the highlighters, the detail is really pretty and I love that at Wet n Wild's price point, they are still willing to but effort in to their packaging and really carry the theme through all the products. These MegaGlo Highlighting Powders are $4.99 each and these 2 highlighters are both very blue - I wasn't sure how they were going to work for me! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

Winter Falls in LA ~ this is a white based highlighter, with a blue green shift in it - it's a really pretty shade; but, you can only really see a green/blue shift on the skin and I found it didn't look great on me. 

Halo Walkers ~ this is a pretty true blue highlighter. For my skin tone, it was just too dark and was just pretty blue on my cheeks - if you have a darker skin tone, this colour is so unique, it could look really fun! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

This collection came with 4 MegaLast Liquid Catsuit Metallic Lipsticks - two Ice Dragon and two Fire Dragon shades! Each are $4.99 and to be honest, I do not think I own a metallic lipstick in my collection! 

I wore each of these are there own and found they took a but of layering to be opaque and the tended to settle in to lip lines and wear off around the inside of the lips. Now, they are still workable and think they would be be applied as a topper over a lipstick! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

Shall We Slay ~ this is cool, granite shade - really unique! 

Icing On The Wall ~ a true, metallic blue that is unlike anything I have in my collection. 

Redlings ~ a really pretty metallic red - certainly the most wearable shade in the set!

Queen's Blood ~ a fun bronzey metallic shade. 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

And, this set came with 4 Color Icon Loose Pigments - again, 2 Fire Dragon and 2 Ice Dragon colors! Each pigment is $3.99 and I actually tend to use loose pigments rarely; but, these applied so well! They went on super smooth, stayed on well and were very pigmented and beautiful! I have used them mainly on the lower lash line, but also in the centre of the lid and they looked great applied! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

Fire Reign ~ a gorgeous red that has more of a metallic sheen than a shimmer!

Gilded Crown ~ this swatch does not do this stunning gold justice - really pigmented and applies very nicely. 

Ice, Ice, Lady ~ really cool white silver with a blue shimmer in - so perfect on the inner corners! 

To-Knight's Blue ~ a nice shimmery blue shadow that looks great on! 

Now, would this post be complete if I didn't do a Fire Dragon vs. an Ice Dragon look?! I think not - I have used all the products in this collection! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

Here is my Fire Dragon eye look - I used the Fit For A Queen shadow quad as it's layed out on the top of the eye, and the Fire Reign and Gilded Crown loose pigments on the lower lash line. 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

And, here is the full Fire Dragon look! Along with shadows I've already mentioned, I also used the Queen's Land bronzer, the Winter Falls in LA highlighter, and the Redlings metallic lipstick! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

Here is the same Fire Dragon look with the Queen's Blood metallic lipstick! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

For my Ice Dragon look, I used the Mythicool Creatures quad as it's suggested for the eyes and have the Ice, Ice, Lady and To-Knights Blue loose pigments on the lower lash line.  

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

Along with the shadows above, I have on the Icing On the Wall metallic lipstick, Your Dragon Me Down bronzer, and the Halo Walkers highlighter! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

And, here is the same look with the Shall We Slay metallic lipstick. 

Overall, I thought this was a really fun collection! I love the theme of it so much - it feels unique and buying the Collection Box seems well worth the price (although shipping to Canada is not cheap). While every product didn't work for me, I would still say this was a really neat collection and if you are a dragon, fantasy or Game of Thrones fan, you may enjoy this! 

Wet N Wild Fire & Ice - Fire Dragon vs. Ice Dragon Makeup Looks, Swatches and Reviews

What are your thoughts on the collection? Anything you'd consider picking up? 

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