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Wine + Mask Wednesday (Bear Flag Soft White Wine Blend + Velieve Honey Moisture Girlish Mask)

Yay for Wednesday!! I love my Wine and Mask nights - this week's theme is "honey".

How adorable is this packaging?! 

Here is a look at the Wine of the Week:

Bear Flag Soft White Blend ~ $12.95. Pale lemon colour; subtle aromas of pear, honey and melon; off-dry, light-bodied, mild acidity; flavours of honey, peach, melon and citrus; medium-long finish.

I love the art on these bottles - it is so awesome! 

I lost my picture of this Wine - whoops! But, this is a soft very light colored white wine. This wine was a good blend - it was pretty good. It had a good balance of sweet and fruity flavors! It does have a gentle honey flavor, but not too strong or overpowering. I wouldn't call it my favorite by far, but it was good and I would drink it again! Think a very basic easy choice of a light, not too sweet white wine! 

Now, to pair with a honeyish wine, here is a honey mask:

Velieve Girlish Mask ~ $2.50. The mask contains honey and royal jelly extracts which provides moisture and brighteness to your face. It helps to relieve and soften your skin.

I have featured Velieve masks on here before (as I received them in a Memebox) and I quite like them.

This mask is used the same as the majority of sheet masks: wash face, tone skin, apply mask, leave on for 15 minutes, remove mask, pat essence in to skin, and complete skincare routine. Here is a look at the mask:

This mask is a little big but it has a lot of essence and smoothed over the face fairly well. My skin felt really great after using this mask - honey mask are deeply moisturizing and I really like them!! 

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