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Woman Who's Dating Soulja Boy Claims He Allegedly Kidnapped & Beat Her

Soulja Boy Gets Accusing Of Kidnapping

A woman who goes by the name Kayla is accusing rapper Soulja Boy of allegedly kidnapping and beating her. TMZ
is reporting she was at his house late Friday and they began to argue. She then goes on to say he allegedly kicked her and tied her for 6 hours on a chair

We're told Kayla -- who was apparently dating Soulja -- got in her car, put it in reverse and backed down the driveway, where she clipped the curb. We're told Soujla's assistant was outside and witnessed it, and became "agitated" and the 2 started fighting. Sources connected to Kayla claim Soulja came out and tried to break the fight up, but Kayla claims he punched and kicked her while she was on the ground, and then took her inside the garage and tied her to a chair with an extension cord. The sources say Kayla was tied up for 6 hours.  We're told she was released, went home and contacted police Saturday morning. We're told she went to the hospital where she was treated for her injuries and was discharged late Saturday night. She claims she has 3 fractured ribs and a concussion.

Soulja Boy's manager is responding saying the claim is BS


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