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Charlies Nail Art

Pop Art Water Decals 

Oh my! Am I glad it's Friday! Atm I'm really not liking the weekdays, it's only doing my nails with my headphones on that's keeping me sane!!
Pop Art can come in all kinds of images, and these superhero ones from Charlies Nail Art are so fun.
You can slightly stretch these decals for a smoother feel, and to fit on your nails, if they are long like mine. But for today I didn't, instead on my white base I added some polka dots, them applied the decals.

Finished with a matte topcoat and just love how they look, the polka dot background adds to the Pop Art theme.
You can find these and many more fab items over on the Charlies Nail Art website.
You can also check them out on Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter, plus use my discount code BNM15 if you place an order.
Stay safe and much love....

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