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Fish Eggs, Caviar, micro beads

I tried my first micro bead mani!  I hear there is a lot of controversy going on right now with the 'caviar' look!  I just found these beads the other day and wanted to give them a try. 

When I first saw these mani's, I have to admit, I though they were a bit redonculous!  Buuut, now that I am rocking it on my hands, I think it's actually pretty dang cool.

The beads are waaay smaller looking in real life, and they stay stuck on really well.  I think it's looks cute on an accent nail.

The pastel green is Mint Sorbet by Sally Hansen.  And why the heck didn't I use a silver under the accent nail?  Next time folks.  Live and learn.  Macro really shows up those spaces between the beads, it's not noticable in real life.

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway.  Comments are now closed and I will pick a winner this week fo sho.  Stay tuned

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