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Red Chevrons - Barry M Blood Orange and Nails Inc Luminous Red

Searching through my nail pictures last night, while fiancee watched a truly dreadful movie, I came across this; some chevron nail art that I remember loving, yet somehow totally forgot to post. Doh!

So, here we are; red chevron nail art in red. 


Barry-M-Blood-Red-Glitter-Gelly-Nails-Inc-art-chevronsBarry-M-Blood-Red-Glitter-Gelly-Nails-Inc-art-chevronsI used the Nails Inc polish that I got as part of my free haul a while ago; as you can see from the pictures, it's called Luminous Red. I can't say it's my favourite colour; to be honest, it looks like tomato soup. It's far too orangey-red for my liking.

So, to improve it, I painted a layer of Barry M Blood Orange over, marking out the triangle using some striping tape. To finish it off, I added a triangle of the awesome Red Glitter by Barry M. 



I think next time I try something like this, I'll start with the Blood Orange - it's such a stunning colour.


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